Onlineakademie CSA: Quiz: Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi; World Championship 2021
Quiz: Carlsen vs. Nepomniachtchi; World Championship 2021
Date November 25 until the decision
CSA Facebook page:
15 questions about the players and the competition will be posted on the page at different times on 15 different days.
You will have 24 hours per question to post your answer. Each correct answer will result in one point, the first correct answer will result in an additional point.Whoever has at least 10 points will be entered into the prize draw. Whoever has the most points will get a great chess book.
First place: Choice of “Feuer frei” by GM Michael Prusikin or “Schach-Trainer Band 1” by GM Thomas Luther; The other book will be raffled off.